Thursday 23 August 2012

23 August 2012. Boredom by plaster

Ah well, I just could not resist composing again.  I've done some paid work, and still I'm bored.  This plaster on my left hand is so frustrating, I just have to do something.  So, I hope readers like the new verse. One of these days, I may just publish an anthology of all these things. It all depends on the feedback I get. So, let me know what you think.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Post # 08/05/2012

Well, that's it.  Summer break is over. Back to the old grindstone. Who wants their work edited? Come one, come all.  I may have one hand in plaster, but I can still work with the other. Angle grinders are vicious beasties, and the next 6 weeks promise to be frustrating, and painful, with my left arm in a cast, but I'll manage somehow.  It does not affect my brain or my eyes. I welcome any work, and will return it quickly.  Otherwise, I'll just have to resort to composing more poetry to unleash on an unsuspecting world. Who will challenge me to find fault with their prose or spelling?